Narasimha Lila Quiz 7.1 Sections 6, 7, and 8 – Verses 7.1.34 – 7.1.48

Section 6 – Verses 7.1.34 – 7.1.35 – Yudhiṣṭhira Mahārāja inquires about Bhaktas coming to the material platform

Section 7 – Verses 7.1.36 – 7.1.47 – Narada Muni narrates the story of Jaya and Vijaya

Section 8 – Verses 7.1.48 – Why Hiranyakashipu was inimical to Prahlada

These sections in total have 15 verses. You can attempt the quiz with an open book. To score full marks you may have to scrutinize Srila Prabhupada’s purports. Read the questions carefully.

Do not attempt the quiz without reading the section. The quiz is facilitation and enablement for you to read Srila Prabhupada’s purports.

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1. The Lord comes to this material world through the agency of His _________ potency. 

You can write your answer in the text area

2. Why was Yudhisthira Maharaj surprised to hear that a pure devotee residing in Vaikuntha could return to the material world?


3. Associate of the Lord descends to this material world, he does so through the action of the__________energy.

You can write your answer in the text area

4. The Lord comes to this material world through the agency of His internal potency, and similarly, when a devotee or associate of the Lord descends to this material world, he does so through the action of the spiritual energy.


5. Jaya and Vijaya descended to this material world, they came because (select ALL that applies)


6. Impersonalist who takes shelter of the Brahman effulgence will not fall down from Brahmaloka


7. The impersonalists cannot reach the Vaikuṇṭha planets to become associates of the Lord, and therefore, according to their desires, Kṛṣṇa gives them


8. Can one fall from Vaikuntha?


9. Who are the four Kumaras, the sons of Brahma – _____________, Sanandana, Sanātana and Sanat-kumāra.

Write the missing name in the text area below.

10. The two gatekeepers Jaya and Vijaya forbade great sages from entering Vaikuṇṭhaloka, because


11. The Tantra-sāra is comiled by


12. ________ & _______ are the Door keepers of Madhudviṣa? (Select two)


13. _________ is the mother of Hiraṇyakaśipu and Hiraṇyākṣa ?

You can write your answer in the text area

14. What are the points that prove Lord is equal to everyone in Verse 7.1.43

taṁ sarva-bhūtātma-bhūtaṁ

praśāntaṁ sama-darśanam

bhagavat-tejasā spṛṣṭaṁ

nāśaknod dhantum udyamaiḥ


15. Who is the father of Ravana and Kumbhakarana?



16. From whom did Nārada Muni suggested Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira to hear narrations about Lord Rāmacandra’s activities?


17. Who is called acyutātmā?