BONUS QUESTION - Not counted
Who am I?
Hint 1: At the time of offering bhoga to the deities, I would offer tender coconuts, clipped and cleansed and holes made in it. Lord Kṛṣṇa would drink the juice from these coconuts, and sometimes the coconuts were left drained of juice. When I saw that the juice had been drunk from the coconuts, I would then break the coconut, take out the pulp and put it on another plate. After offering the pulp, I would meditate outside the temple door. In the meantime, Lord Kṛṣṇa, having eaten the pulp, would leave the plate empty.
Hint 2: Despite having hundreds of trees and millions of fruits, I would collect sweeter coconuts from a place twenty miles away by paying a higher price.
Hint 3: I carry bags full of food prepared very nicely by my sister for Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu. The Lord ate it continually for one year.
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