Hare Krishna!

Sale! Sale! Sale!

You may be wondering what is the sale about.

So, without further delay, let us disclose the offer. In this month of Kartika, Lord Krishna offers His special mercy at a HUGE discount. 


Imagine, if you can attain all the pious credits of bathing in all the Holy rivers by simply offering a ghee lamp to Krishna in this month. It is needless to ask, what would you choose… and the best part is that, it all happens in the most jovial manner in the association of devotees. The special mercy just flows in, this month. 

Now, this is important, we are providing a special opportunity for all householders in the periphery of ISKCON Vaikuntha Hill to host the Deepotsava program in their homes. 

Enlighten yourselves with the light of the Deepa and Purify your Home with its spiritual heat.

Do not miss this Kartika Opportunity

Bring in all auspiciousness to your homes. Without a doubt, it will surcharge your life with spiritual power. No wonder, it will also give an opportunity to your friends and relatives to take part in this glorious program. 

There has been no better time for a party-time, but for a change, this time a spiritual party. So, find a reason to host the program, and let’s do it. 

Here’s what you have to do to host Deepotsava at your home

  • Select a good day between 28th Oct 2023 and 12th Dec 2023 with both days inclusive
  • Use the Booking form below to select available slots
  • You will receive an email for your booking confirmation
  • Once the booking is confirmed, you can begin your preparation
  • You can arrange for mud-baked or cow-dung ghee lamps by washing them the previous night and drying it in a basket
  • Prepare ghee wicks a day before the event
  • On the day of the event, devotees will arrive about 30 mins before the event and set up the altar
  • You can get fruits that can be offered to Lord Krishna and later distributed as Prasadam
  • You must invite your friends and relatives to this event and get the blessings of Lord Damodara

Program Agenda

  • 4:30 pm – Devotees arrive 30 mins before the scheduled start of the program
  • 4:45 pm – Devotees set up the altar and Invoke the Lord through Kirtana
  • 5:00 pm Ecstatic Kirtana to Spiritualize Your Home
  • 5:30 pm Congregational hearing of Krishna Katha by a Senior Devotee
  • 5:30 pm Offering of Bhoga
  • 5:45 pm Damodarastakam Arati and Offering of Ghee Lamps by Everyone
  • 6:00 pm Distribution of Prasadam to all attendees
  • Program Ends

Checklist for the Host

  • Ensure you leave space for the altar to be set up. A raised platform or a table with a clean cotton cloth will be required.
  • Arrange for loose flowers and garlands for the Deities
  • Arrange mud lamps and ghee wicks on your own. Or else, you can seek help from your ISKCON devotee contact to arrange for a cost price.
  • Mats for guests and Chairs aligned towards the end of the walls for the elderly or people who are unable to sit in the Lotus position
  • Fruits for offering to the Deities and later to be distributed as Prasadam to guests.

Book Your Slot Now!

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